How it all started
The history of our cattery began with the acquisition of a charming forest-colored Maine Coon cat with a very pleasant character and manners. This cat had a beautiful name - Dazia (Desia).
But as in the classics, every story has its own ending, and this ending is not always happy. And so it was with Daisy. She was very fond of walking on the lawn in front of the house, and for her curiosity and our omission in looking after, she paid with her life, and we received the first lesson of fate. The cat was hit by a car. Every night after the incident, I saw her in my dreams, which made it clear that it was necessary to keep moving on. I saw in my dreams my future nursery, in which there were many pets.
History of our cattery -
Vyacheslav Misins
The history of our cattery began with the purchase of a charming forest-colored Maine Coon cat with very pleasant character and manners. This cat had a beautiful name - Dazia.
But like the classic, every story has an ending, and it's not always a happy ending. And so it was with Daisy. She loved to walk on the front lawn, and for her curiosity and our negligence in watching her, she paid with her life, and we got our first lesson in fate. The cat was hit by a car. Every night after the accident, I saw her in my dreams, which made me realize that I needed to keep moving forward. I saw in my dreams my future kennel, which had many pets.
Six months later we reacquired a kitten with the same appearance. Turtle color. She was an affectionate kitten, we put our hearts into her, she returned the favor. Time passed, after another six months the girl grew up and demanded a cat. We went to Estonia for the cat, where our acquaintances gave it to us. For nothing! Isn't it amazing?! He was 2.5 months old and was adorable, although a bit small in size. When I asked, "What are you feeding him?" I was told: " Sour cream )))".
When I got home I fed him meat, and he began to grow. But very slowly, and by 5 months of age I had gone through all the literature and the Internet on "all about Maine Coons", and came to the conclusion that my cream cat is very bad data for competition. That's how he became our pet, not a runway cat.
I continued my search for the cat. But luckily for the cat, I saw HER. The redheaded beastie. I knew right away that the cat was MY cat.
So instead of a cat for a cat, I went overseas for HER. It was Fosia, or her full of pathos name Emilia Silver Darlings. And then the dilemma came up: 2 cats and 0 cats.
Again, I dreamt of Dazia and the next morning I called the man who sold me Emilia and asked if he had a cat that was not related to Emilia. He said "there is" and sent me a picture and it was my cat. What a crush I am. There's a whole other big story about Heraldick, it's easier to leave a link.

From that moment on we had a new dilemma: 2 cats, 1 young cat and me. The cat didn't care about the cats because he only loved me. in a good way. Our tortoiseshell colored cat couldn't handle the appearance of two redheads and she went from being an "affectionate kitty" to a bitch. There is no milder way to say it. It was decided to have her spayed.

Time went on and Heraldick, along with Fosse, made their debut.
At the first Fall 2019 show, we were the best. I'm already getting into the beginning of Herald's big story. In brief, during the cat's journey through the shows I: learned a lot of new things, became a member of the Mooncat club, met a lot of nice people and breeders, took a cat first aid course, and so on. We officially registered the cattery on October 7, 2019. And two more months later, Herald and Emilia had babies, the first "A" litter.
After 5 months from the beginning of his career, and with the great quarantine approaching, Heraldick has already become a WCF World Champion. And we began to build a kennel. I wanted to make his kennel standards (which after a while will be accepted in Europe). The kids were growing and the kennel was being built.
While visiting shows I understood that it was necessary to develop several color lines. These are red (red d) and blue (blue a), well, and silver. In February also abroad we bought two girls sisters Diara and Tiffany, blue solid and blue marbled. That is, we follow our plan of developing two color lines.
This is not the end of the story, it is only the beginning.
Written in June 2020