Exhibition time
Nomination "BiS"
WCF Master Ring
WCF show

Make sure you choose the correct title for your cat. You can find the order of titles intitle.You can also make a correction when registering at the exhibition itself.
To the exhibition You should take:
documents for a cat: passport; pedigree (photo)
the cage can be rented from the club or borrowedoy
cat bed (especially for participation in shows and rings)
cat toilet
water (we recommend taking syringes without a needle to water the cat)

During registration, already at the exhibition, you will be given your cat's number. You can also see it in the exhibition catalog.
Each judge near the table has a list of numbers that will be held by him expertise. Keep order!
If you do not come to the examination on time, then at best, you will be transferred to the end of the list.
If your cat is in a ring or show and it's his turn, go up to Stuart and explain it to him. You can go for examination as soon as you are free!
Для получения титула кот должен получить - 3 оценки Ex1.
Когда на выставке судятся коты в одной породе, в одном окрасе и в одном титуле - Ex1 получает только лучший кот в сравнении.
Остальные получают: Ex2, Ex3 - оценки, которые не подходят для получение титула.

If at the time of receiving scores in one title are repeated by the judge, then you need to say about this judge, then another expert will sign on the score sheet.
For example, your cat closes CACIB (3 different judges, 2 countries). At the exhibition in Lithuania, you received an assessment from Anna and Irina. You have arrived in Estonia and Anna is assessing you again. Ask another judge to sign the score sheet (there will be 2 signatures in total).

"Best in Show"
At the end of each show, there is a "Best in show" competition, which involves cats nominated by experts for Best in show (nom BIS).
The best cats are selected in 5 coat types:
LH (long hair),
SLH (semi-long wool),
SH (short coat),
SOSH (Siamese-Oriental Shearling)
SPH (sphinxes)
Special Breed Show - sometimes
The 6 best cats of their type receive the title "Best in Show", they continue participation v "Best of Best" - the best animal of the show among all types of wool
There is also a division into classes: Litters, Neuters, Kittens, Juniors, Adults and World Champions.

WCF - rings
With WCF rings, everything is simple, there are four of them:
Kitten (uncastrated animals only)
Kitten and Junior are sometimes combined into one ring.
Each ring has a minimum of 10 cats.
All breeds can take part in the rings.
Participation in the rings is paid separately, it is optional.
Winning the ring gives you the right to take part in the master ring and get points for the WCF Best Cat Ranking.
WCF Master Ring
Who can participate?
cats that took first two places in WCF-rings
cats that became "Best in show" and "Best of Best"
cats holding the title "World champion"
To participate in the master ring, you need a written confirmedie these victories, i.e. original or copy of the certificate or diploma.
Why participate?
Cats holding first two places in the master ring, they receive the title of Master, which fits into the pedigree of kittens.
There is also Double Master and Triple Master.
You can also get points for the WCF rating Best Cat Ranking.
WCF - show
Monobreed shows
this is a competition within one breeds.
From each "class" the best one is chosen; from the class of adult cats, as well as on the Best in show, the best opposite sex and best adult are selected. Then the best in each class is compared and the best representative of the breed is selected. He can participate in Best of Best show.
Mixed "forest show"
Siberian cats, Maine Coons, Norwegian Forest cats, chickensile bobtails -sometimes divided into 2 shoat
Any other showFor example "Tabby Show"
All ages can take part in the show, most importantly match the theme of the show.

Each show has a minimum of 10 cats.
Participation in the show is paid separately, it is optional.
victory in showdoes not give points for rankingthe best animals. This is just a nice bonus for pet owners.